Event “Green” certification of buildings


On 6th June Linstow Baltic Projects Director Andis Kublačovs took part at the concluding discussion “Green building certification – to be or not to be?” at the forum “#Green certification of buildings”. During discussion Andis Kublacovs shared Linstow Baltic 10 year experience in #certification of its own objects ( sh/c Ülemiste Center in Tallinn, sh/c #Origo and Business Center Origo One in Riga) according to the most popular #sustainable #building certification system in the world – #BREEAM. He shared practical examples of challenges experienced as well as benefits from the performed BREEAM certification both for the owners, tenants and their employees, visitors and guests.

Thanks for invitation to organizers of the forum – company Schneider Electric and business and technology platform BiSMART!

Business Center Origo One has the highest score (79.1%) for completed final BREEAM certification among all #business centers and #offices in Latvia, while sh/c Origo has the highest score (77.3%) for BREEAM certification among all #retail establishments in the #Baltics.